Posts Tagged 'new year'

And A Thankful New Year

I’m back, and it didn’t even take until Epiphany.  I assume this is due to modern transportation.  I had a good holiday, thanks, and I hope you did too?  I didn’t post a thankfulness even day last month, but goalwise I was feeling it.  Let’s see, it was 31 days, and I gave you about 4 things I was thankful for already, right?  Here’s some of the rest:

The friendly cat that visits my basement, books I have, new books I get, the Chinatown bus services, thrift stores, my savings account, family in interesting foreign lands, Mr. Poof, etsy, pajama pants (esp my grey ones), my sewing machine, the Smiths, Russian history (kinda), houseplants, my GF’s sense of humor, various creamy cheeses (not the bleus), feminist blogs, the color green, salt, my readers and especially commenters, fairy tales, science, the idea of learning languages, forgiveness, haircuts, dinosaurs, hulu, confidence, and grandiose plans.

That might be more than 31, which is cool.

Anyway, things are rolling, the new website is being designed, and I have several ideas for goals this month, so maybe I’ll try two.  (I made New Year’s resolutions too this year.  I’m feeling quite energetic in 2009- you may start a pool on when this will peter out.)

I’m purging my apartment so I can organize, so that’s one- Reduce.  Plus, I want to look into how I can travel, greenly, but travel indeed.  The first is self explanatory, I hope- I’ll post a picture of my cleaner closet!- and as for the second, this will be a process. I need to research, consider, and obtain a passport.  Further bulletins as events warrant.


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